Poe Currency Reviews

PoE Top 3 Melee Builds for 3.25 League

Here are the top three melee builds for the Path of Exile 3.25 League, “Settlers of Kalguur”:


1. Boneshatter Juggernaut

The Boneshatter Juggernaut is a powerhouse melee build that excels in both survivability and damage output. This build revolves around the Boneshatter skill, which deals significant physical damage and inflicts trauma on the player, increasing damage with each hit. The Juggernaut ascendancy provides immense tankiness through high armor, endurance charges, and life regeneration, making it ideal for enduring tough encounters.



  • High survivability with strong defensive layers.
  • Scales well with investment.
  • Effective against both bosses and large packs of enemies.



  • Requires careful management of trauma stacks.
  • Can be gear-dependent for optimal performance.


2. Cyclone Slayer

The Cyclone Slayer is a classic melee build that remains popular due to its smooth gameplay and high damage potential. Cyclone allows players to move while dealing damage, making it excellent for clearing maps quickly. The Slayer ascendancy enhances this build with life leech, increased area of effect, and overleech, ensuring sustained survivability during combat.



  • Fast and fluid playstyle.
  • Great for clearing maps and dealing with bosses.
  • Strong life leech mechanics for sustained survivability.



  • Can be vulnerable to stuns and freezes.
  • Requires investment in gear for maximum efficiency.


3. Lightning Strike Raider

The Lightning Strike Raider is a versatile melee build that combines high mobility with powerful elemental damage. Lightning Strike allows players to hit enemies from a distance, making it safer than traditional melee skills. The Raider ascendancy provides increased attack speed, evasion, and elemental damage, making this build both fast and deadly.



  • High mobility and attack speed.
  • Effective at both single-target and area damage.
  • Can be played on a budget with room for high-end investment.



  • Requires precise positioning to maximize damage.
  • Can be squishy without proper defensive layers.



Each of these builds offers a unique playstyle and strengths, catering to different preferences and goals within the game. The Boneshatter Juggernaut is perfect for players who enjoy a tanky, high-damage build that can withstand tough encounters. The Cyclone Slayer is ideal for those who prefer a fast-paced, fluid playstyle with strong life leech mechanics. Lastly, the Lightning Strike Raider is great for players who want a high-mobility build with powerful elemental damage.


Choosing the right build depends on your playstyle and the content you wish to tackle in the 3.25 League. Whether you prefer the tankiness of the Juggernaut, the speed of the Slayer, or the versatility of the Raider, these top melee builds are sure to provide an exciting and rewarding experience in Path of Exile.